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Seeking a Canadian surrogate to help give our niece a little cousin.

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Our Story & Dream

We're Dean & Josh. We're been together over 15 years and married since 2018. We want to give all our love to a little one, and need the help of a special Canadian woman to be our surrogate.

We're currently based in London, England, for work which has given us the opportunity us to travel and explore the world. We're now ready to move back to Sydney, Australia at the end of summer - allowing us to settle down and nest. We miss our family, especially our 4 year old niece Amelia. Every week she asks for a little cousin to play with. We're ready to more than just unbeatable uncles, we can't think of anything better than being doting Dads. 


We are working with an amazing surrogacy agency, Canadian Fertility Consulting. You can see what other surrogates say about them here. We have chosen one of Canada's most successful IVF Clinics, Create Fertility, to help our surrogate become pregnant quickly and easily. We have 9 tested frozen embryos ready to go.

Surrogacy is the most amazing gift any woman can give. Thank you so much for even spending the time to check us out. You would absolutely change our lives .

If you're interested in giving the gift of life, or have any questions about surrogacy, please reach out to us, or our surrogacy agency mentioning Dean & Josh.

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A little more about us

On our very first date 15 years ago we shared that we both wanted to have children in our future. At our wedding 7 years ago we said in our vows we wanted to dedicate our lives to each other and, hopefully, to any kids we may have.


Dean grew up with a big extended family, being very close with aunts, uncles and cousins. Family has always been central, with large gatherings at Christmas and Easter, kids playing in the pool, everyone bringing food and watching kids concerts. Dean plays guitar and his brother the drums. As kids, they would put on music concerts for all the family, playing carols at Christmas every year. Dean’s love of Christmas has extended into a new tradition for both Dean and Josh. Every year for 12 years we have been collecting new Christmas decorations, which we one day hope to pass on to our kids and their grandkids. Dean also dreams of playing carols on his guitar with the kids, teaching them an instrument.


Many of our friends and family over the years have been blessed to have kids and we’ve been so lucky to have grown very close to them. Our god kids, Teo & Bella, and baby niece, Amelia, have brought us and their families so much joy and love – every day we spend with them it reaffirms our desire to support and help grow a little-one, providing them all we possibly can.


Just after our wedding, we were spending a weekend with our god kids and their parents. Teo, then 5 put his hand on Dean’s shoulder and asked “When are you and Josh going to have a baby now you are married?” It was a moment that really struck a chord with us. For so long in our lives we always thought that being gay meant we would never be able to have kids. Coming out also created a sadness that one had to give up the dream of a family. We couldn’t believe that times had changed so much that a 5-year-old was so accepting of us as parents.


We’re extremely close with our families and they are incredibly supportive of us embarking on this surrogacy journey. Dean’s mom and dad are besotted by their 18th month old granddaughter Amelia, and constantly asking us how the surrogacy journey is going for us; as Amelia needs a cousin and they want more grandkids before they get too old. Recently, Josh’s dad was diagnosed with cancer, but the thing keeping him strong is wanting to meet and be a part of his grandkid’s early life. We feel like we have an entire support squad behind us, willing us along, and just waiting to be part of raising this child with all the love, care and support possible.


Our passion and purpose in life has always been to 'give back' – Josh is a civil servant working in education and Dean works in property, enjoys volunteering with his Church and also mentors LGBT university students. We want to raise our kid to have our same values. We want them to realise how blessed and lucky they are, to know how many people’s love helped bring them into the world and to use their natural abilities and gifts to help others to also be their best.


We are Australian and are living in London, England for the moment. We both feel a close connection with Canada, Dean having family in Vancouver & Toronto and Josh having lived in British Columbia when he was younger. We love all that Canada and its people represent – fairness, equity, openness and inclusion. We are really keen for our children to have a strong and continuing connection with Canada and a relationship with those who gave so much to help them come into the world, part of an extended family.

Josh & Dean
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Support Squad


Intended Grandparents

Dean's Mom & Dad - Yvonne & Phil

Dean's mom and dad have got their grandparent practice in with little Amelia and can't wait to have another toddler around.


Intended Grandparents

Joshs' Mom & Dad - Carol & Garry

While Joshs' mom is no longer with us, we know she's absolutely with us on this journey and helping us from afar. We know Joshs' dad will carry on that love.


Intended Uncle, Auntie & Cousin

Dean's Brother, Sister-in-law & Niece - Tim, Kylie & Amelia

Amelia is now four and every weeks asks when she'll be getting a cousin to play with. She loves playing with other kids, so we know she'll love and care for her little cousin.


Intended Guncle

Joshs' Brother - Sam

Sam was recently asked to be a godparent and has taken on the role with relish. He most wants to teach his little niece or nephew how to swim.


Intended Godmothers

Regina, Ally, Jade, Laura, Alexis

Two Dads means any child will need a lot of great women in their life. These amazing women, many of them mothers themselves, are ready to be there anytime, anywhere.


The Gaggle

Charles, Ben, Geoff, Tyson, Trent, Hamish and many more.

These boys are like family, and so any child will join the gaggle and get the love, attention and support of the whole group. How spoilt will they be!

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Some Qs & As

Here are a few answers to some common questions. No doubt you'll have a million more and our surrogacy agency, CFC, is here to talk you through everything. Just reach out and we'll get back to you. 

What is surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a method of assisted reproduction, where a woman carries and gives birth to a child for another family.
This is possible through advancements in reproductive technology using in-vitro fertilization (IVF). People who would not otherwise be able to have children are now able to do so through surrogacy and IVF.

Why become a surrogate?

Surrogacy is a beautiful gift. Many surrogates say they loved being pregnant and had easy pregnancies. Or, they could not imagine their life without their children. Or, they've seen infertility within their circle of friends and want to pay it forward.


It is a selfless act that feels truly rewarding to witness someone becoming a parent.

What are the requirements to become a surrogate?

To become a surrogate in Canada you must:

  • be a parent yourself who has had an easy pregnancy and birth.

  • be between the ages of 21 and 42 years.

  • have a healthy BMI with regular menstrual cycles.

  • not smoke or use recreational drugs.

  • be willing to undergo a background check for yourself and spouse.

What type of relationship would we have on the surrogacy journey?

We want to be on this journey with you. We'd love to get to know you and your family, be there with you for important milestones in the pregnancy and have a continuing relationship after the birth. It's important to us that our child knows the amazing woman and her family who helped them come into the world.

Will I get to travel?

If you live outside Toronto, then you'll get to travel to our IVF Clinic in downtown Toronto.


Travel can be one of the most exciting adventures during the surrogacy process and all of your expenses are covered. Our agency will make all of your travel arrangements for you to make it easy and enjoyable. This includes airfare, car service, and reservations at hotels. You'll also be reimbursed for all lost wages and/or childcare.

What are the next steps?

If you're interested we'll put you in contact with our Surrogacy Agency, CFC, for a one hour information call.


On this call the CFC Surrogate Case Specialist will answer all of your questions, provide you with information on the process, and fill out the application form should you wish to proceed.

The next step is a counselling assessment to ensure you have all your questions answered, and that surrogacy would be a good fit for your family.

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Say Hi

Thanks for reaching out.


We're so excited to chat and answer any questions you've got. If it's easier we can also have our surrogacy agency speak to you first, just let us know in the message.

Speak soon

Josh & Dean :) 

We can't wait to say Hi & meet you.

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